I've taken a few days to work on the entrance of my studio. It looks like a "lake decor bomb" went off in the room, but this is the way that I like it. I painted the painting/maps and added the Great Blue Heron to the door panels. I made the fishing pole lamp and added the old tackle boxes, which were my dad's. I was born and raised to honor all things lake, rivers and bays. I have been lucky to turn what I love into a nice little business. This area gives me inspiration as I walk though the doors on my way to the studio.
Now, check-out the photo. See anything interesting? In the lower, middle of the photo, I had a canadian goose photo bomb this picture. Yes, he stuck his head up just as I snapped the picture.
Also, check-out my maps, they make the best lake house gift! I have over two hundred on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I do custom and personalizes lake, river, or bay maps, too. Oh yeah, I hide a tiny mermaid in the waters of all my maps that folks love to search for. Find out more interesting facts about my treasured maps by going to LeoLakes.com.
This is my first post of the 2017 year. I have been busy! Personally, I will have to say that December came in as a lamb and left as a tornado. In fact, I was so busy that I didn't even have time to post. My last post was December 12th. Anyway, it has finally settled down and I now have some time to spend on my blogs. I'm not a big new years resolution guy, but I do put a little time in things that I want to do or improve for the next year. Here's one that I will attempt to attain in 2017.
One thing that will help me do this is a new Nikon 500mm Telephoto Lens that I received for Christmas. My hope is to capture some really cool water fowl photos while in my kayak. In fact, I went to the beach last week and took a few photos.
It's a pelican gang casing out this boat.
Evening photo at Destin Florida fishing dock.
I can tell that this guy is a good fisherman because in Florida, behind every good fisherman, there's a Great Blue Heron.
The wife in her winter bikini! Check-out my website, www.Leolakes.com. I paint custom maps that make a great gift for the lake house, boater, fisherman, and lake lover.